

MBBS first year | Books for mbbs 1st year | Best MBBS books


First year MBBS is foundation year, where fundamentals are key to success. You have to make a good decision regarding Your books, so that you may not face any difficulty during your studies.

Best and commonly used Books for 1st year mbbs
Books for 1st Year MBBS

Hello, everyone,
I am a student of Medical College
Today I'm going to be sharing the books which I used and which I recommend for you, so that you can make the best out of it.

OK, so basically, we have three subjects in first year.

·       1)Anatomy

Study of body structures.

·       2)Physiology 

  Study of body functions.

·       3)Biochemistry.

 Study of chemical processes in humans.

Recommended books for the above subjects:

            There are lots of books  available for students and you can make a choice in them. I will mention here the books which I used and which I think, are the best and easy to study.

Books for Anatomy:

      We have sub division of anatomy and we have to use separate books for them.

Anatomy sub-divisions:


General anatomy


           In general anatomy we study the overall general aspects of the body like gross and microscopic structures as well as composition of the body, its tissues and fluids.

BD chaurasia hand book of general anatomy
General Anatomy

 Gross anatomy

         In gross anatomy we study about
 the different structures of the body without the use of microscopecommonly used to denote 
the study of anatomy by dissection of a cadaver.



         In embryology we study the origin and development of the organism.


           In histology we study the small structures of cells, tissues and organs in relation to their functions.


            This was a brief introduction of anatomy. 
    Now we are going to mention the books which are commonly used and are easy to study for each of these subjects.


(a)    For gross anatomy:
    (i)    Grey’s anatomy for students

    (ii)   Snell’s clinical anatomy by regions

    (iii)  BD Chaurasia’s human anatomy


Snell's Clinical anatomy by regions
Snell's Clinical Anatomy By Regions

      These are the commonly used books for gross anatomy. You can make a choice in these. I myself used Snell’s clinical anatomy. And it helped me a lot.


 Atlas for gross anatomy:

     Atlas, basically, has all these great diagrams and all the pictorial representation. There is not much theory, but the atlas has got every 
single part of the body dissected and shown in. It's how it is in the body. 
So, Atlas is must for everybody.

Atlas of anatomy by Frank H. Netter

  Get a PDF of it or you can buy a hard copy of it. There are many atlases available but I would recommend Atlas of human anatomy 
By Frank H. Netter which I've used myself and already
recommended to many people. So, go for it.

            Important point to remember isyou should and must always take a look at the Atlas before you dive into the topic, you are going to be studying in anatomy because this gives you 
basically an outlook of what you are going to be studying, how it looks, the relations and the supply, everything.


    (b)   For general anatomy:

       Usually, general an
atomy is included in the same books along with gross Anatomy and can easily be studied and understood in these books, like Grey’s anatomy and Snell’s 
clinical anatomy. But I would suggest to use BD chaurasia for general anatomywhich is a short  and comprehensive book.

(c)    For embryology:
            Embryology is studied as a sub 
division of anatomy and you have to use separate book for it.

           Most commonly used books for embryology are:
        I.  Langman’s medical embryology
       II. KLM (Keith L. Moore) for embryology 
      III. Sharjeel for embryology (short book)

Langman’s medical embryology
LANGMAN's Embryology

Ø  I used Langman for embryology and I think it is more than enough to make a good concept.

(d)   For histology:
    Histology, like embryology is a sub division of anatomy and we have to use a separate book for it. 
    Commonly used books are:

(i)      Di fiore’s atlas of histology 
(ii)    Laiq Hussain
    Di fiore is the best manual book and you can easily cover all your topics from it. I studied it and is more than enough for 

Di fiore’s atlas of histology
DIFIORE's Atlas Of Histology


This was all about anatomy. Now we are going to discuss the other two subjects that is, Biochemistry and Physiology.


Books for physiology

         In physiology we have to study the functions of different cells, tissues, organs, and systems of the body.

         The most commonly used books for physiology are:

I.           Guyton and Hall physiology

II.          Essential of medical physiology 


III.         Japee.

IV.         Firdous for physiology (short book)

Guyton and Hall physiology
Guyton and Hall Medical Physiology

        These are widely used books for physiology.

             Among these Guyton and hall physiology is the best one and easily understandable.


Books for biochemistry


For biochemistry we have a lot of books available. The most commonly used books

 are :

i)        Lippincott biochemistry

ii)      Harper biochemistry

iii)     Satyanarayana biochemistry

Satyanarayana biochemistry
Satyanarayana for Biochemistry

These are commonly used for biochemistry. My choice is Satyanarayana.


   This was a brief intro of the books you are going to study for your 1st year MBBS.



In the end I welcome you all to the mysterious world of MBBS.


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