

High blood pressure | Tips to control high blood pressure | 5 natural foods to control hypertension | which foods can control high blood pressure | high blood pressure treatment at home | Home remedies to control high blood pressure

5 Natural foods to control your high blood pressure: 

Hi everyone!

            Today we are going to give you some tips regarding your high blood pressure. You can control your blood pressure to a great extent using these natural ingredients.

            Normal blood pressure of man is 120\80mmHg. The numerator 120mmHg shows the systolic blood pressure that is the pressure of the blood when your heart contracts. And the denominator 80 mmHg show the diastolic blood pressure which is the pressure of the blood when the heart relaxes after contraction.

Normal blood pressure of man is 120\80mmHg. The numerator 120mmHg shows the systolic blood pressure that is the pressure of the blood when your heart contracts. And the denominator 80 mmHg show the diastolic blood pressure which is the pressure of the blood when the heart relaxes after contraction.    This is normal value for blood pressure. Sometimes, diseases cause this value to change and the blood pressure is no longer considered normal. This condition is called hypertension.              But, keep one thing in mind that blood pressure increases with age which is a normal phenomenon.              Today we will give you some tips regarding your high blood pressure using these you can considerably control your high blood pressure and can live a healthy life.

              This is normal value for blood pressure. Sometimes, diseases cause this value to change and the blood pressure is no longer considered normal. This condition is called hypertension.

            But, keep one thing in mind that blood pressure increases with age which is a normal phenomenon.

            Today we will give you some tips regarding your high blood pressure using these you can considerably control your high blood pressure and can live a healthy life.

So, lets start 

            In today's fast-paced world, the problem of blood pressure has become very common. Blood pressure is a disease that can lead to kidney failure and heart weakness, so it has been called the silent killer. Lack of stress, exercise, overuse of medication and poor diet are some of the common causes


            Health experts have suggested some things that are very helpful in controlling blood pressure. Today we are mentioning five foods that can be used regularly to save you from a dangerous disease like high blood pressure.


Excess cholesterol in our blood causes high blood pressure. When cholesterol builds up in the blood vessels, it can severely affect the blood flow and interfere with the blood supply to the heart. Cholesterol in your veins will not be a problem if you use it because garlic treats high cholesterol and hypertension and prevents the accumulation of platelets in the arteries as well as protects you from the ill effects on the heart.


             Excess cholesterol in our blood causes high blood pressure. When cholesterol builds up in the blood vessels, it can severely affect the blood flow and interfere with the blood supply to the heart. Cholesterol in your veins will not be a problem if you use it because garlic treats high cholesterol and hypertension and prevents the accumulation of platelets in the arteries as well as protects you from the ill effects on the heart. 

            If patients with high blood pressure use a clove of garlic on an empty stomach every morning, their blood pressure will soon be under control.

Lemons are a natural food that relieves hardening of the arteries and maintains their elasticity. The abundant amount of vitamin C in lemons protects against the harmful effects of free radicles. According to recent research Vitamin P is found  in lemon’s  juice and it helps in the absorption of vitamin C in our body. It helps to keep our blood vessels healthy and prevents them from getting injured.


             Lemons are a natural food that relieves hardening of the arteries and maintains their elasticity. The abundant amount of vitamin C in lemons protects against the harmful effects of free radiclesAccording to recent research Vitamin is found  in lemon’s  juice and it helps in the absorption of vitamin C in our body. It helps to keep our blood vessels healthy and prevents them from getting injured. 

            Lemon juice regulates the blood flow in our body. This is why health experts recommend regular use of lemons to heart patients with high blood pressure.

Fenugreek seeds are also the best natural ingredient that controls high blood pressure. Fenugreek seeds contain a high quantity of Potassium that prevents high blood pressure. In addition, fenugreek seeds are very useful for the heart. It lowers the high blood pressure and protects the heart . Fenugreek seeds lowers the bad cholesterol level to normal in our body and in this way control the high blood pressure.
Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds:

            Fenugreek seeds are also the best natural ingredient that controls high blood pressureFenugreek seeds contain a high quantity of Potassium that prevents high blood pressure. In addition, fenugreek seeds are very useful for the heart. It lowers the high blood pressure and protects the heart . Fenugreek seeds lowers the bad cholesterol level to normal in our body and in this way control the high blood pressure.


            Honey is a natural ingredient that is sweet as well as cures many ailments. The carbohydrates which are abundant in honey, reduce the blood flow pressure from the heart.

            According to a medical research if 25ml of water is mixed with 75 grams of pure honey and used continuously for fifteen days, will Significantly lowers LDL cholesterol levels which is good news for hypertensive patients.

Banana is the best in fruits for hypertensive patients. It has many useful ingredients but the most important is Potassium that helps in reducing high blood pressure. According to doctors, taking two bananas daily reduces the chances of developing high blood pressure by 10 to 20 percent. It also protects your blood vessels and protects them from injury. It strengthens our immune system and speeds up the flow of blood. That is why doctors recommend the use of bananas to patients suffering from high blood pressure.


            Banana is the best in fruits for hypertensive patients. It has many useful ingredients but the most important is Potassium that helps in reducing high blood pressure. According to doctors, taking two bananas daily reduces the chances of developing high blood pressure by 10 to 20 percent. It also protects your blood vessels and protects them from injury. It strengthens our immune system and speeds up the flow of blood. That is why doctors recommend the use of bananas to patients suffering from high blood pressure.

If you have any query regarding any problem, please don't hesitate to contact us.


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